Educational workshops

On the 23rd of May, 2019, scientific and educational seminars were held in the conference hall of the Physicotechnical Institute.

At 11:00 in the conference hall of the institute a regular seminar was held to discuss the dissertation work of B. Ergashev. on the topic "The nature and behavior of one's own point defects in CdTe films of different composition", submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physics and mathematics in specialty 01.04.10 - Semiconductor Physics.


Also, at 14-00, the next general education seminar for young scientists on the topic “Structural and Photoelectric Features of AU-ZNCDS-M0 of a Structural Photodetector with a Wide Area of Photosensitivity” was held in the conference hall of the Physicotechnical Institute. Kabulov R. R.