Study of GaSb Doped with Te as a Material for Photovoltaic Systems

Leiderman A. Yu., Saidov A. S., Khashaev M. M., et al. Study of GaSb Doped with Te as a Material for Photovoltaic Systems. // Applied Solar Energy. 2015. V. 51. No. 2. pp. 117–119.

The article reports the results of study of nGaSb⟨Te⟩ specimens with plain ohmic contacts and demonstrates that at T > 50°C the studied structure generates current (up to 0.4 nA at T = 200°C) and voltage (up to 0.4 mV at T = 210°C). These phenomena are attributed to thermally stimulated decomposition of “shallow donor + vacancy” complexes with subsequent formation of periodic distribution of concentration of vacancies and shallow donors over the specimen length.
