Normal mode oscillations of a nonlocal composite matter wave soliton
Bright solitons in quasi-one-dimensional dipolar condensates with spatially modulated interactions
Beam dynamics in quadratically nonlinear waveguides with gain and losses
Stationary wave packets in the Kerr nonlinear media with imaginary harmonic potential and linear gain
Effect of quintic nonlinearity on modulation instability in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Introduction to nonlinear discrete systems: theory and modelling
Regular and chaotic dynamics of a matter-wave soliton near the atomic mirror
Vibration spectrum of a two-soliton molecule in dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates
Coupled oscillators with parity-time symmetry.
Stable localized modes in asymmetric waveguides with gain and loss
Dynamics of fronts in optical media with linear gain and nonlinear losses
Interaction of Two Pulses in Defocusing Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation