Duplicate of Рассеяние на симметричных по обращению времени пространства δ-потенциалах
Duplicate of Dissociation of soliton molecules under periodic perturbation in dipolar quantum gases
Duplicate of Щелевые солитоны в слабо нелокальной нелинейной среде
Duplicate of Quasi 1D Bose–Einstein condensate flow past a nonlinear barrier
Duplicate of Optical solitons in periodically managed PT-symmetric media
Duplicate of Interaction potential between discrete solitons in waveguide arrays
Duplicate of Matter-wave soliton bouncing on a reflecting surface under the effect of gravity
Duplicate of Scattering of a two-soliton molecule by Gaussian potential barriers and wells
Duplicate of Averaged dynamics of soliton molecules in dispersion-managed optical fibers
Duplicate of Parametric excitation of solitons in dipolar Bose Einstein condensates
Duplicate of Variational analysis of soliton scattering by external potentials
Duplicate of Solitons in a PT -symmetric χ2 coupler