Duplicate of Development and Optimization of the Production Technology of LargeSize PositionSensitive Detectors
Muminov R. A., Radzhapov S. A. , Toshmuradov Yo. K. Development and Optimization of the Production Technology of Large SizePosition Sensitive Detectors // Instruments and experimental techniques - New York. 2014.
Results of development and optimization of the production technology of largesize semiconduc tor positionsensitive Xray detectors, based on Si(Li)p–i–n structures and intended for tomographic and environmental problems, are described. The detectors with a 50 × 50 × 2mmsize sensitive area with 8, 16, and 32 strips were produced. With a voltage of 100–500 V, the energy resolution is 50 and 75–80 keV for elec trons with an energy of 1 MeV and for α particles with an energy of 7.65 MeV, respectively, when the dark current is 0.5–1 µA, the capacitance value is 300 pF, and noise is 40 keV.